Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wanderlust Week #1

Yay so I finally have a free time to post my previous Wanderlust Week! 

First on the list: Cyma.

I have been craving for Greek food for the longest time already - 3-4 months perhaps? But I only got to finally satisfy my craving last week when my college barkada (Phabulosa) and I decided to get-together for a crazy weekday night. We (I) initially wanted to go to Greeka Kouzina since I was informed previously that the place was awesome for meet-ups and get-togethers and that the ambiance and food were excellent. Things did not turn out the way we planned it though and so we went instead to Greenbelt for dinner. My girl friends and I decided to have a Chesca-themed night and the biggest winner was Miss Josephine Dianne Deauna. Yes, from drab to fab ang peg ni Atey! You see, Dianne is the Dora-the-explorer type of girl when it comes to fashion. She has this carefree attitude and it shows in the way she dresses herself. I did not mean this in a negative way, mind you, Dianne has her own personal taste when it comes to fashion. And we all love her for it. Here's a picture of how Dianne was transformed by her fairy godmother:

Dianne in her usual dress (L) and on the Chesca-themed night (R) (Sorry Di I have no other solo pics! Don't kill me!)

Chesca and Dianne. The picture on the left was taken a month before our Greek night and the theme for the night
was patterned on Chesca's fashion. She wears this very feminine clothes, full of ruffles and sheer fabric and bling. I love it!
The food at Cyma was, as expected, amazing. We ordered Roka Pasta, Lamb Yiouvetsi, Moussaka, Kotopoulo Lemonato - all for sharing, and I ordered their Gliko Frappe (sweet frappe) which was undeniably good. I personally ordered the Lamb Yiouvetsi because I miss eating lamb (my favorite meat!) and Kotopoulo Lemonato because this is my favorite Cyma food. Another surprising discovery was their Roka Pasta which was made of "sautéed arugula (Roka) and spaghetti with EVOO, pine nuts, grated parmigiano reggiano and fresh tomatoes". It was the best pasta I have ever tasted as of yet and wouldn't hesitate ordering it when I come back. Once again, Cyma did not disappoint. Good thing my friends loved it too. 

from L-R: Kotopoulo Lemonato, Roka Pasta, Moussaka. I forgot to take a picture of the Lamb Yiouvetsi since we already started eating when it was served.
After our sumptuous meal, we went for one round of drinks at Dillinger's. The place is awesome for those who want to chow down cheap ass food and drink and party the entire night. The place is cozy with an edgy side to it. The music is loud though - perfect for party people but not so enticing for those who want a quiet alcohol-free barkada night.

I love the old stonehouse theme of the place! Look at the entrance! (:
Top photo from left: Dianne, Chesca, Adrian. Middle photo from left: me, Jean.
Bottom photo from left: Chesca, Dianne, me, Jean.
Missing from the gang that night was Hazel since she had to attend to a soccer rehearsal. She followed us though at my place where Jean and Dianne slept for the night. It was all good and we were all reminded of our college days when we were all still carefree, worrying less about other people (patients) and caring more for our outfits and theme days. We were young back then. We still are. And we shall be having more of these, I believe. Good food + good company + weekday getaway = FUN.

Wanderlust Week #1 solved.

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