Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I'm not new to the blogging world. In fact, I have 5 blogs as of this moment and I have not deleted any of them (And no, because I am too humiliated, I will not post a link. Sorry.). I could pretty much say that I love writing. The thing is, I have lost my way ever since I started Medicine. A lot of things changed. Aside from the fact that you do not get a lot of free time, you also do not get a lot of ME time. And so the journalist in me has been slowly pushed away from the forefront of my being, sobbing in the inner depths of my soul. 

But just this morning, I saw my good friend's latest blog about his father and I realized that I missed writing (ranting (?)) and talking about anything and everything there is to talk about. My friend's blog ignited in me a passion that was supressed for the longest time. And so here I am, writing my first entry in this latest blog of mine. And I am happy.  My inner being is happy. I can feel it jumping up and down inside of me. And in this moment, I am content.

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