Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013


"A mother’s love is all-consuming. And nothing, and no one can get in its way."

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Warning. This is a Rant Post.

I am f***ing pissed right now. I have resolved since I became a Christian to not swear but this time I am really really really pissed. It's my fault again. It's always my fault. I'm always the mean girl. It's as if they won't do it if they were in my place. Ha! And it's all because of my yaya who looks goody-goody now because she's crying. Yes, I pinched her and pricked her with a ballpen a few times because I was so mad at her but believe me when I say that I don't really do that, I swear! SHE MADE ME DO IT! IT'S AS IF SHE DOESN'T CARE WHAT I SAY! SHE WOULD JUST NOD AND SAY "O lagi." "Mao bitaw." "O kay boang man ko." There was no hint of remorse whatsoever! She even slept while I was talking! Hilas kaayo uy! And now she's talking to the phone with my parents right now, crying! Mao na buotan na kaayo ron kay gahilak hilak ni Papa! OA to the maximum level! Arrrrggghhh!!! I soooo hate her right now. I hate her so much. I wish she'd die! I've never felt so angry right now in my entire life! And I've never wished anyone to die up until now!

Here's the thing. She gossiped in our hometown that I don't let her eat and I let her starve here when in fact I don't even eat here that much and she's just maarte there's food in the fridge and she won't eat it because it's dried fish! So OA! And she even says that I don't buy food. The thing is, I let her do the grocery and she won't even tell me that there's no more food! I always tell her to eat na but she won't eat because she's dieting! She only drinks coffee in the morning, eat some lunch (not sure) and she won't eat dinner. We have fought so many times because she won't eat and this is what I get?! I even bring her food from the hospital if I can! Hilas kaayo! Way utang na loob! Kasamok! Galagot jud ko! If only I can insert all the expletives here I would! I'm just really pissed right now. And my parents as usual would calm her because she was the one crying! And as usual, I am the villain. Pfft. FML.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Beginnings

2013 has come. I guess the Mayans were not so accurate with their predictions, eh? All's well that ends well. No hurricanes, no earthquakes, no earth-swallowing catastrophes, no nothing - which is a good thing, by the way, because I got to spend my holidays at home in Cebu with my boboiboy and my family and friends. My Christmas holidays were awesome, by the way. We had Noche Buena, Media Noche, and a High School Christmas party in between. I also got to spend quality time with the love of my life, my little Andrei - who has grown big and talkative and adamant. Hehe. But he's a joy to behold and a joy to talk to. 

*gets tissue from the rack ~reminiscing*

Haha! I just miss him dearly.

Anyway, 2013 it is. It's a new year so this means a new beginning. I have to reboot my system, my whole existence, and learn from the mistakes of the past. I wrote in my planner that this year will be my year to shine. I am determined to do that and be that. I won't make any resolutions though because they have never really worked for me. Dreams and goals and inspirations will be my motivation. I'm excited for this year. I am happy. I am free. To new beginnings!